Getting Back on Track with Your Health and Wellness Journey

Maybe it was work that got stressful and overwhelming.

Maybe it was family that kept you busy late at night and got you up early in the morning.

Maybe it was just a middle ground between events and you’re just feeling “Stuck”

Whatever the reason is - you’re here now… A month or two out of the gym, not really following your structured diet, and fallen out of healthy habits.

Well, I’m here to tell you that in the midst of life’s stressors and demands… it’s super common for people to lose sight of their health objectives and goals. You’re definitely not alone. (If you were the only one struggling, this industry would have a bunch of unemployed coaches all incessantly calling you like those pesky “extended warranty” guys!)

Regardless of where you stand now, or how you got here in the first place, let me assure you that it’s never too late to reignite your spark. It might not be exactly like riding a bike, but you’re going to get back in the swing of things and you’re going to feel a heck of a lot better once you do.

You’re probably now either shaking your head and already feeling overwhelmed with “BUT HOW, Shaun? HOW will I get back into it?” OR you’re feeling a little unsure of yourself, because you’ve lost connection with your “why” of healthy habits in the first place.

At this point - I strongly encourage you to ground yourself by either doing a progressive muscle relaxation exercise, box breathing, or additional grounding exercise to bring you back into this moment free of anxiety, worry, or stress. It’s just you and me here, and I’m you’re partner in this.

When you’re feeling ready, I want to walk you through the first 5 steps I would take any of my clients through to understand how I can meet them where they are and walk them through challenges and obstacles to achieve their goals. Regardless of the challenges, or how far away the goal may seem, these five steps are the same for framework every single client. Why? Because it works!

  1. Discover Your "Why": Inspired by Simon Sinek's "golden circle," let's begin by delving deep into your purpose—the core driving force behind your deepest health aspirations. Reflect on why achieving optimal health and wellness holds significance for you. Is it to prove something to yourself? Or perhaps to cultivate a sense of vitality and fulfillment? Clarifying your "why" is going to anchor your journey with purpose and fuel unwavering dedication, without relying on fleeting motivation.

  2. Set Clear Goals: Before we do anything, clarity is key. I need you to clearly define your aspirations—whether it's shedding pounds, building muscle, or simply reclaiming energy. Crystal-clear objectives serve as guiding stars, and without them, we’re just wandering the desert gettin thirsty. These goals can be something as simple as waking up without any pain, or as big as running a marathon, and anything in between. The important part here is that you think of what will make you proud of yourself.

  3. Start Small, Dream Big: Avoid overwhelm and don’t try overhauling everything in one night. Instead, initiate gradual changes. We’re talking baby steps, here. I always tell my clients to aim for 1% better every single day. What is 1% change in the right direction from yesterday? Is it drinking an additional glass of water? Parking further away from the grocery store entrance? Reaching out to friends and family for accountability? Begin with modest adjustments and build from there.

  4. Embrace a Workout Companion: Exercise need not be a solitary pursuit! You can enlist the company of a friend or relative to infuse fun and accountability into your fitness routine. There are also bulletin boards at gyms, or apps and groups that you can join in your area to find people interested in the same activities you are. Built in accountability, plus less boring workouts. I always find that mixing up my routine veery now and again with new classes - like a pilates class, or even a rock climbing seminar, are fun ways to meet new people, try something new, and cultivate strength in weaker areas. You could also check out an art class, hit up a cooking class, or even go to an REI outing in your area to learn about new and approachable ways to try new things.

  5. Seek Support and Accountability: While having companions alongside you on the journey can be helpful, they are not professional resources for you. While they might be willing and able to assist in some areas, they might not be the best equipped. Reach out for assistance whenever needed—be it from a seasoned coach, a dedicated trainer, or a nurturing community. Surrounding yourself with encouragement and guidance amplifies your capacity for progress.

We’re all just a lump of space dust, spinning quickly and hurdling through space and time.

Embarking anew (or again…) is not merely an option—it's a testament to resilience and determination. With a positive mindset, a robust support system, and a sprinkle of dedication, you possess the power to materialize your health and wellness aspirations, whatever they may be. I'm honored to stand alongside you, offering unwavering support every step of the way. If you need a pick me up chat, some motivational videos to hype you up, or you’re looking for some serious changes in your health and wellness routine - I would be more than proud to assist you. You can reach out to me at or on IG @livingunbreakable! Let’s become UNBREAKABLE!


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